Project of the Month for Interregnord
Muittut, muitalusat - The story of the Sámi by the [...]
Muittut, muitalusat - The story of the Sámi by the [...]
This week’s work started with the Muittut project in the [...]
Last week we had a remote co-design workshop between University [...]
Photographer: Marie Enoksson Buori sámiid álbmotbeaivvi! Šiõǥǥ säʹmmlai meersažpeeiʹv! Pyeri [...]
Čoahkkimat jotket gáiddusin Mis lei guovvamánu vuostas oktasaš deaivvadeapmi [...]
Buriid juovllaid ja lihkolaš ođđa jagi! Pyereh juovlah já luholâš [...]
Mannan vahku Lappi universitehta SINCO-laboratorias ordniimet Muittut-bargobáji. Emma Kirjavainen, Juri [...]
Don våhkoen Camerat lij Åarjel Saemiej Skuvlesne jïh Suaja maanagïertesne [...]
Dáppe Ájtte museas min leat dahkamen saji ođđa čájáhusii. Här [...]
Last week Marja Helander, Mauri Lähdesmäki and Minna Lehtola from [...]